Auto Repair Source (provided by BadgerLink)
Authoritative and up-to-date service and repair information for thousands of domestic and imported vehicles
Kelley Blue Book
Information on buying and selling cars, new car prices and reviews, used car values, insurance quotes and comparisons, loan calculators and recall reports.
Wisconsin DMV Practice Tests
These practice tests are good for the instruction permit test, driver’s license test and the senior citizens’ refresher test. Motorcycle and CDL options available.
Business & investments
AtoZ Databases
AtoZdatabases is a reference and marketing database that provides details on businesses and households within the U.S.
Better Business Bureau of Wisconsin
Review a Wisconsin business or charity. Complaints can be filed against companies, and companies can respond to complaints.
IGNITE! Business Success
IGNITE! provides integrated and comprehensive support to Fond du Lac County entrepreneurs and innovators in all industries and in all stages of development.
Regional Business News (provided by BadgerLink)
Comprehensive full text coverage for more than 80 regional business publications covering U.S. metro and rural areas.
Value Line
Information and advice on 1,700 stocks, more than 90 industries, the stock market and the economy.
Click here for video tutorials.
Consumer information
Credit reports from three major credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Free to Wisconsin residents.
Consumer Reports
Product testing and consumer advisory. Products tested range from major purchases (automobiles and appliances) to everyday items (food and cleaning products). Search issues from January 1999 to the present.
Access to information resources, newspapers and magazines for Wisconsin residents in cooperation with the state's public, school, academic and special libraries and internet service providers. A project of the Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction, Division for Libraries, Technology and Community Learning.
Sign up for Creativebug FREE through the Fond du Lac Public Library. By signing up for Creativebug, you'll enjoy unlimited access to thousands of online art and craft classes. Watch our classes anytime, anywhere. Since our classes never expire, you can start and stop projects at your own pace. No pressure, just possibilities!
edX Free Online Courses
edX is an online learning destination and MOOC (massive open online course) provider, offering high-quality courses from the world’s best universities and institutions to learners everywhere.
Gale Courses
Interactive, instructor led online courses available on a wide variety of topics including language, computer applications, personal development, business & more!
Need help with this resource? View this getting started video.
Resource paid for by the Winnefox Library System.
Learning Express Library (provided by BadgerLink)
LearningExpress Library is an EBSCO resource provided by BadgerLink to all Wisconsin residents. The Career Center includes information, e-books, tests and tutorials on over 20 career fields and occupational exams. LearningExpress Library includes seven different centers, providing different types of content to different user groups:
- Adult Learning Center
- Career Center
- College Center
- College Preparation Center
- Grades 4-7 Educator Resources
- High School Equivalency Center
- High School Students
- Recursos para Hispanohablantes (Resources for Spanish Speakers)
Tech Skills Center
Learn technology skills at your own pace by watching these video tutorials on popular software and computer basics.
DPI Job Seeker
Job Seeker is a collection of free resources, recommended by Wisconsin public libraries, to help build skills and find jobs.
Job Center of Wisconsin
Job Center of Wisconsin is a self-service, online system for employers to place job postings for job seekers to view.
Salem Press Careers
Salem's Careers In series provides a wide range of information on career opportunities to give job-seekers a true inside look at their career options in a wide range of in-demand fields.
History & genealogy
Local History and Genealogy
Many resources for reasearching family history, as well as local and state history.
Language Learning
Learning with Duolingo is fun, and research shows that it works! With quick, bite-sized lessons, you’ll earn points and unlock new levels while gaining real-world communication skills.
Languages with Gale Courses
Learn a language online. Classes range from introductory courses to more advanced topics and include: Italian, French, Japanese, and Spanish instructor-led language courses.
USA Learns
USA Learns has these free English classes for you! Learn English speaking, listening, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading, writing and grammar.
BadgerLink Newspapers
Access to information resources, newspapers and magazines for Wisconsin residents in cooperation with the state's public, school, academic and special libraries and internet service providers. A project of the Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction, Division for Libraries, Technology and Community Learning.
NewspaperARCHIVE (temporary access to all newspapers - formerly Wisconsin Newspaper Archive)
NewspaperARCHIVE is the largest historical newspaper database online, contains tens of millions of newspaper pages from 1607 to present.
Newspapers.com Library Edition - World Collection
Historical newspapers archive from the 1700s - 2000s containing thousands of well-known regional, state, and small local newspapers in the United States and other countries
US Newsstream via Proquest
US Newsstream enables users to search the most recent premium U.S. news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s featuring newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full-text format. Includes the Fond du Lac Reporter.
Escape to Wisconsin
Website of the Wisconsin Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus: portal to Wisconsin's top destinations.
Wisconsin Circuit Court Access (CCAP)
This website provides access to certain public records of the circuit courts of Wisconsin. The information displayed is an exact copy of the case information entered into the Consolidated Court Automation Programs (CCAP) case management system by court staff in the counties where the case files are located. The court record summaries viewed here are all public records under Wisconsin open records law.