Design Lab at the Idea Studio

Part of a nationwide collaboration led by Dramatic Results® closing the opportunity/resource gap with arts-integrated STEAM Programming
Our mission is to empower young innovators to think differently about themselves and their world.
What is Design Lab?
Design Lab at the Idea Studio is part of a nationwide collaboration intended to deliver high quality, equitable, and engaging arts integrated Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math (STEAM) Programming to traditionally repressed / ignored populations of 3rd-5th graders in the Fond du Lac School District. Read more here.
To learn more about the history of the Design Lab, click here.
Spring Design Lab 2025 at the Idea Studio is a FREE series of arts integrated STEAM workshops presented by Fond du Lac Public Library focusing primarily on Design Thinking. We will serve up to 36 students per session who are currently enrolled in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade at the Fond du Lac School District for the 2024-2025 school year.
All sessions will be held at the Fond du Lac Public Library from 9:15am-12:00pm. Session dates are below:
1) February 8
2) February 15
3) March 1
4) March 8
5) March 15
6) March 22
7) April 12
8) April 26
9) May 3
10) May 10
The cost of the program is free. All supplies and materials are included. Breakfast and snacks are provided
Design Lab is part of a nationwide collaboration, funded by a grant, and is closing the opportunity gap with arts-integrated, project based, STEAM Programming for traditionally marginalized communities.
Decisions for acceptance to program will be carefully considered. This is not a first come first served program.
Join here:
Design Lab 2025 de Primavera en Idea Studio es una serie GRATUITA de talleres STEAM, cuyas siglas representa a Science (ciencia), Technology (tecnología), Engineering (ingeniería), Math (matemáticas) presentado por la Biblioteca Pública de Fond Du Lac, enfocados principalmente en Design Thinking, es decir pensamiento de diseño. Por sesión, aceptaremos hasta 36 estudiantes de 3ero, 4to o 5to grado, que actualmente esten registrados en el Distrito Escolar de Fond Du Lac para el año escolar 2024-2025.
Todas las sesiones se llevarán a cabo en la Biblioteca Pública de Fond du Lac de 9:15 am a 12:00 pm. Las fechas de las sesiones se encuentran a continuación:
1) Febrero 8
2) Febrero 15
3) Marzo 1
4) Marzo 8
5) Marzo 15
6) Marzo 22
7) Abril 12
8) Abril 26
9) Mayo 3
10) Mayo 10
Este programa es gratuito para todos los participantes. Se brindará refrigerio.
Design Lab es parte de una colaboración a nivel nacional, financiada por una subvención, y está cerrando la brecha de oportunidades con la programación STEAM basada en proyectos e integrada en las artes para comunidades olvidadas.
Las decisiones de aceptación al programa serán consideradas cuidadosamente. Este no es un programa por orden de llegada.
Ingresa aquí: