Fond du Lac Literacy Student Resources

Stickyball has tons of FREE, PRINTABLE ESL resources for teachers, including ESL worksheets, ESL grammar exercises, ESL writing exercises, ESL phrasal verbs worksheets, and an ever-growing bank of EASY, USEFUL games and activities for the ESL classroom.
Wisc-Online offers an ever-growing library of learning objects freely available to students and learners at any level, teachers, parents, and anyone else anywhere on the globe. This module helps with basic computer skills.
View the official Wisconsin DMV site for The Driver's Book an easy-to-read driver handbook for all applicants, including applicants with reading challenges. It’s a condensed version of the Motorists' Handbook. It is best to study the Motorists’ Handbook, too, if it does not present undue reading challenges to you. Driver's book is available in Spanish also.
Manual del Conductor del Estado de Wisconsin