THELMA Visual Arts presents virtual exhibit in July

Members of the THELMA Visual Artists group will present a virtual exhibit in July, hosted by the Fond du Lac Public Library’s Langdon Divers Gallery and presented on the gallery’s Facebook page,
THELMA Visual Artists is a professional group devoted to promoting and encouraging visual arts throughout the Fond du Lac region. Members include Mary Wehner, Sue Hoehnen, Nancy Donohue, Roxine McQuitty, Chris Dolan, Laura Schneider, Megan Willis, Raymond Rowe, Sheri Wydeven, Sandra Uecker, Mel Kolstad, Dennis Nimmer, Wanda Yuhas, William Nettlehorst and Kathryn Dreifuerst.
As a program of Thelma Sadoff Center for the Arts, the artists’ group fosters creativity and focuses on professional development through a supportive artist community, exhibitions, classes, workshops and collaboration.
The Langdon Divers Gallery’s volunteer curator is local artist Mel Kolstad, who can be contacted at
Pictured: Oct. 65 by Kathryn Dreifuerst