New StoryWalk stories at Lakeside, Hamilton parks

New stories have cropped up at the Fond du Lac Public Library’s two StoryWalk® park installations.
The award-winning story about a mouse that takes a walk in the woods, The Gruffalo, by Julia Donaldson, and the joyful Tap the Magic Tree, by Christie Matheson have been installed at the east end of Lakeside Park near the intersection of Harbor View and Winnebago drives. At Hamilton Park, families will find the funny story The Sloth Who Slowed Us Down, by Margaret Wild.
Library staff installs new StoryWalk stories on a regular basis. StoryWalks encourage families to enjoy reading and the outdoors by posting a children’s book – a page at a time – at intervals along a path.
For more information, visit or call the Children's Desk at 920-322-3940.