FdL Reads author will hold interactive virtual event at FDLPL

Varian Johnson, author of this year's Fond du Lac Reads selection “The Parker Inheritance,” will join the Fond du Lac Public Library for a virtual event Wednesday, Nov. 18 at 10 am.
This will be an interactive program held virtually via Zoom. Register anytime before the day of the event by clicking here or visiting fdlpl.org and clicking on “Calendar.”
Johnson will speak about “The Parker Inheritance,” which was named a 2019 Coretta Scott King Honor Book and a 2018 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award Honor Book among other accolades. He is the author of nine novels.
The author was born in Florence, South Carolina, and attended the University of Oklahoma, where he received a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering. He later received a masters of fine arts degree in writing for children and young adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts, and is now a member of its faculty. He lives outside of Austin, Texas, with his family.
Other events scheduled as part of this year’s Fond du Lac Reads program include:
- Nov. 2-8 — Scavenger Hunt at Lakeside Park: Visit beautiful Lakeside Park for a chance to win a prize in the Scavenger Hunt, which will be fun for the whole family.
- Thursday, Nov. 12 at 6 p.m. — Book discussion about “The Parker Inheritance”: Meet virtually with others via Zoom to discuss this year’s Fond du Lac Reads selection as well as the themes incorporated in the book. To participate, register by clicking here starting Oct. 29, or visit fdlpl.org and click on “Calendar.”
- Starting Monday, Nov. 23 — Take-n-Make a Secret Message Bracelet: Send a short, coded message to a friend or loved one with this take-home kit. Limited supply; kits are first-come, first-served. Pick them up at the Fond du Lac Public Library.
- Throughout November — Youth puzzle packs: Stop by the children’s department to grab a free puzzle pack for kids. Limited supply; kits are first-come, first-served.
- Throughout November — Lakeside Park Virtual Escape Room: Youth can take a virtual stroll through Lakeside Park — past and present — while solving puzzles and uncovering clues! Find the escape room starting Nov. 1 at fdlpl.org
The Fond du Lac Public Library serves patrons through reading, lifelong learning and community involvement at two locations: the Main Library downtown at 32 Sheboygan St., and FDLPL Express near Festival Foods. For more information about the Fond du Lac Public Library, visit fdlpl.org or follow it on Facebook and Twitter @FDLPL.