Wonder Wednesdays will engage FDLPL patrons, build community

The Fond du Lac Public Library will start a new weekly program for adults in December designed to expand your mind and engage with neighbors.
Wonder Wednesdays will be held virtually every Wednesday at 6 p.m.via Zoom; registration will be available on the calendar at fdlpl.org.
The weekly discussions will range from important community conversations to book talks and more:
- Wednesday, Dec. 2 at 6 p.m. — Craft 'n Chat: Log in every first Wednesday with your craft project and enjoy the company and feedback of others as patrons craft together.
- Wednesday, Dec. 9 at 6 p.m. — Community Chat: Join patrons every second Wednesday to hear important information that every community member should know. This month, learn about investment fraud and COVID-19 scams from a representative from the Securities and Exchange Commission.
- Wednesday, Dec. 16 at 6 p.m. — Reference Chat: Get to know FDLPL's reference staff as they discuss their favorite books for adults.
Due to the holidays in December, trivia night will be introduced on the fourth Wednesday in January.
Fond du Lac Public Library operates two locations: the Main Library at 32 Sheboygan St. in downtown Fond du Lac, and FDLPL Express at 1132 E. Johnson St. near Festival Foods. It also runs Chapter 52 Bookstore at 52 Sheboygan St. For more information on any of these locations, visit fdlpl.org.