Time for family history

by Debbie Rosenberg
It’s February and still cold outside. I should be doing chores, but it feels like the time is right to do some family history work instead. People often ask how to get started in genealogy, and I’m not an expert, but I can give some advice. Start with yourself and what you know, don’t jump to your grandparents’ parents. During this unprecedented period of working from home and social distancing we are lucky to have some resources available to you through your home computer and many resources available to check out through curbside pickup.
We have several good books for beginning genealogists.
Genealogy for beginners by Katherine Pennavaria is our newest book for beginners. This book covers everything you need to get started from step by step beginning quality research, to getting organized, comparing subscription services and even DNA testing.

Family history 101 : a beginner's guide to finding your ancestors by Maria Melnyk has been around longer and is also a quick read for those just getting started in researching their family history.

Debbie Rosenberg has worked in the FDL Public Library Reference department for 30 years.