Sign up for a card at FDLPL during Library Card Sign-Up Month

A library card isn’t just for checking out books; it’s a ticket to a world of opportunities and knowledge.
Signing up for a free card from the Fond du Lac Public Library opens the door to movies and mobile hotspots, audiobooks and outdoor games, and so much more.
The Fond du Lac Public Library is inviting the community to participate in Library Card Sign-Up Month, a program sponsored each September by the American Library Association.
Stop by the Main Library all month to see special displays demonstrating the unexpected items a library card-holder can borrow: home improvement tools, games, cake pans, musical equipment and presentation materials. Learn more about some of these special items for yourself by visiting
Parents also are invited to bring their children to the library for a special Library Card Sign-Up Month Scavenger Hunt in the Children’s Room.
Signing up for a library card is easy and quick at the downtown library's Main Desk and at FDLPL Express on Fond du Lac’s east side; no need to be a Fond du Lac resident to obtain one. Bring a photo ID (such as a driver’s license or state ID with your current address),and if your ID has an old address, please also bring another document, such as a lease, utility bill or credit card statement, that shows your current address. Minors under age 16 require a parent's signature; cards cannot be issued over the phone or by email. FDLPL may issue internet-only cards for people without proof of address.