‘Retrospective Road’ by artist Mary Wehner coming to Divers Gallery

An exhibit titled “A Retrospective Road” by Mary Wehner will come to Langdon Divers Community Gallery from Sept. 1 to Oct. 5.
The show represents a traveling exhibit that draws on the inspirations of years on the road.
“These pieces represent a traveling show, a retrospective road that has zigzagged over years with all its abstracted views. There is no pattern, no theme, no purpose. Inspiration comes from color, shape, and music,” Wehner said. “I find sound has shape and rhythm has directions. I listen to music while painting and often find myself following some internal path I can never predict.”
The Langdon Divers Community Gallery is open seven days a week, whenever the Fond du Lac Public Library is open at 32 Sheboygan St. The gallery may be found off the atrium at the south entrance to the Main Library.
For updates on Langdon Divers Community Gallery, follow the gallery on Facebook at www.facebook.com/langdondivers. Volunteer curator Mel Kolstad may be contacted at mel@kolstad.net.