National Coffee Day & National Biscotti Day

September 29th is both National Coffee Day AND National Biscotti Day! What a perfect pairing.
According to the National Coffee Association, no one knows exactly how or when coffee was discovered, but there is a legend of an Ethiopian goat herder, Kaldi, noticing his goats being so energetic they wouldn't sleep at night if they ate the beans.
Coffee was being grown by the 15th century and the Boston Tea Party in 1773 is believed to be the turning point that changed America's favorite drink from tea to coffee. Biscotti originated in Italy in the 14th century. Literally meaning "twice baked cookie", it is, of course, delicious. Now that it is officially autumn, we can celebrate the cooler temperatures with a hot beverage and delicious cookie!
Uncommon Grounds: the history of coffee and how it transformed our world by Mark Pendergrast 641.3373 P373 1999
Coffee by Major Cohen 641.3373 Cohen 2021
The New Complete Coffee Book by Sara Perry 641.6373 P421 2001
I love coffee!: over 100 easy and delicious coffee drinks by Susan Zimmer 641.877 Z65
Cooking Light Way to Bake: the complete visual guide to healthy baking 641.815 C7755 2011
Dorie's Cookies by Dorie Greenspan 641.8654 G853 2016