FdL Artists’ Association will hold Membership Show at gallery

The Fond du Lac Artists' Association will hold its annual Membership Show Wednesday, Nov. 3 through Tuesday, Nov. 30 at the Langdon Divers Community Gallery in the Fond du Lac Public Library. Each member of the association will exhibit one of their works of art.
The association’s Artist of the Year is Sandra Uecker, who paints in acrylics. She has won numerous awards for her work, both in Wisconsin and in California, where she resides. She is a retired art teacher who taught in Fond du Lac schools.
Awards will be made to the Best of Show and for Honorable Mention on the basis of merit. Visitors may vote on their favorite artwork to determine the Peoples' Choice Award.
An artist reception also is tentatively planned for Thursday, Nov. 11 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the Langdon Divers Gallery. A critique by the association’s juror, Pat Reiher, will follow the reception.
The Langdon Divers Community Gallery is open seven days a week, whenever the Fond du Lac Public Library is open at 32 Sheboygan St. The gallery may be found off the atrium at the south entrance to the Main Library.
For updates on Langdon Divers Community Gallery, follow the gallery on Facebook at www.facebook.com/langdondivers. Volunteer curator Mel Kolstad may be contacted at mel@kolstad.net.