Sheboygan artist will display ‘Holding Versions of Moonlight’ at gallery

Sheboygan-based artist Erica Jane Huntzinger will hold an exhibit titled “Holding Versions of Moonlight” during December at Langdon Divers Community Gallery.
The gallery, available Thursday, Dec. 2 through Tuesday, Jan. 4, is available to be viewed whenever the Fond du Lac Public Library is open.
Huntziner grew up in Elmhurst, Ill., and has shown her art throughout the country, including in Chicago, where several of her paintings are permanently installed.
In her artist statement, Huntzinger explained that “I create through improvisational exploration in an attempt to capture the in between space of post-sensation and pre-cognition. I am also influenced and inspired by the relationships we have; the internal activity within ourselves, as well as the intimate, familial, social, cultural, earthly and otherworldly ones we experience; with all of the intricacies and abstractions of feeling and thought. I consider my paintings internal landscapes.”
An artist reception is tentatively planned for Thursday, Dec. 16 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the Langdon Divers Gallery.
The Langdon Divers Community Gallery is open seven days a week, whenever the Fond du Lac Public Library is open at 32 Sheboygan St. The gallery may be found off the atrium at the south entrance to the Main Library.
For updates on Langdon Divers Community Gallery, follow the gallery on Facebook at Volunteer curator Mel Kolstad may be contacted at