Explore ‘Our Natural World’ during February exhibit at Langdon Gallery

A community exhibit featuring 30 artists will display artwork with a nature theme during the “Our Natural World” exhibit at Langdon Divers Community Gallery.
The gallery, which is located at the Fond du Lac Public Library, will include art with many different media represented, from photography to watercolor to collage, and more.
Their work will be on display at the gallery from Feb. 2 to March 1. An artist reception is tentatively planned for Thursday, Feb. 10 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the Langdon Divers Gallery. Masks will be required at the reception.
The Langdon Divers Community Gallery is open seven days a week, whenever the Fond du Lac Public Library is open at 32 Sheboygan St. The gallery may be found off the atrium at the south entrance to the Main Library.
For updates on Langdon Divers Community Gallery, follow the gallery on Facebook at www.facebook.com/langdondivers. Volunteer curator Mel Kolstad may be contacted at mel@kolstad.net.