Computer, smartphone basics will be taught during July & August classes

Not sure how to use a computer or smartphone? Not comfortable with surfing the web?
A series of classes at the Fond du Lac Public Library this summer will help.
Looking for help with full-size computers rather than handheld ones? Join us during either of the following Computer Basics classes:
- Wednesday, July 6 at 11 a.m. in the McLane Room: Topic for this program will be “Basic Computer Layout.” Register for this session up to two weeks in advance by calling our Reference Desk at 920-322-3930.
- Wednesday, July 20 at 11 a.m. in the McLane Room: Drop in to receive assistance with computer concerns you may be experiencing; no registration is needed.
Laptops are available to use if you don't have your own device.
During “A Beginner’s Guide to Smartphones,” learn how to use these highly mobile computers that have become an important part of daily life.
Two smartphone classes are also scheduled for this summer:
- Thursday, July 28 at 11 a.m.
- Thursday, Aug. 25 at 11 a.m.
Both classes are scheduled to be held in the library’s Mid-States Room.
Registration begins two weeks in advance of each session by visiting, or register by calling our Reference Desk at 920-322-3930.