Learn about medicinal herbs & more in August at FDLPL

Learn about a selection of local medicinal herbs and accompanying spiritual teachings passed down from a traditional Ojibway medicine woman and past professor of ethnobotany at UW-Milwaukee at the Fond du Lac Public Library.
On Thursday, Aug. 4 at 6 p.m. in the McLane Room, learn more about the teachings of Grandmother Keewaydinoquay, who passed away in 1999 at age 90 after becoming an Anishinaabeg Elder of the Crane Clan. Keewaydinoquay was the author of several books on herbs and Native American medicine, and founded the Miniss Kitigan Drum, a non-profit organization supporting the preservation and evolution of Great Lakes Native American traditions.
Presenters of this program will be Minodinoquay Nettie Burnett and Ningwiisiisis Lynn Noel, members of Miniss Kitigan Drum.
No registration necessary to attend.