‘READ. RETHINK. REPURPOSE’ discarded books in exhibit at Langdon Divers Gallery

Discover how the power of books can extend even beyond their useful life for reading in Langdon Divers Community Gallery’s January exhibit.
From Jan. 4-31, view Susan Fiebig’s exhibit titled “READ. RETHINK. REPURPOSE.”
Repurposing discarded books has always been Fiebig’s passion. During the Covid-19 lockdown of 2020, Fiebig combined her love of collage with book covers she had stored in her studio. She utilized the discarded books along with handmade papers, ephemera, and photographs to create 19 book cover collages.
Since then, Fiebig has expanded her collection, creating a larger exhibit of book cover collages, altered book covers, and abstract book spine collages. Fiebig believes in upcycling every part of a discarded book, transforming what would have been destroyed into art.
Fiebig’s exhibit also encourages the importance of reading and provides information about the current national book banning that is removing many of the books many people grew up enjoying.
The Langdon Divers Community Gallery is open seven days a week, whenever the Fond du Lac Public Library is open at 32 Sheboygan St. The gallery may be found off the atrium at the south entrance to the Main Library.
For updates on Langdon Divers Community Gallery, follow the gallery on Facebook at www.facebook.com/langdondivers. Volunteer curator Mel Kolstad may be contacted at mel@kolstad.net.