The Fond du Lac Public Library is now a smoke-free campus

To ensure a healthier experience while visiting the library, the Fond du Lac Public Library now offers a smoke-free campus.
This means that smoking will not be permitted anywhere on the library property, including outdoors on the patio by the entrances off the south parking lot or the Sheboygan Street entrance on the north side of the building. The library also does not allow vaping, displaying, visibly carrying, or inhaling of intoxicating inhalants (including tobacco) on library property.
The change was made to ensure that visitors to the library can experience a safer and more enjoyable experience while at the Fond du Lac Public Library. Exposure to inhalable intoxicants such as tobacco have known negative health effects, both for the individual using them and those who happen to be nearby.
The change was approved by the Fond du Lac Public Library Board of Trustees; it was among several changes made to the library’s behavior policy aimed at providing library users a positive experience while visiting. This policy and others may be found at