Learn about the past and how to preserve the present during November at the Fond du Lac Public Library

Love history? Visit the Fond du Lac Public Library during November to learn about collecting oral histories, preserving historic family records, and ongoing research by the state historical society and the Ho-Chunk Nation into historic dugout canoes.
First, on Tuesday, Nov. 5 at 6 p.m. in the McLane Room, learn about the upcoming “Our Fond du Lac” oral history program planned by the Fond du Lac Public Library. This informational session will introduce Our Fond du Lac, and guests will learn about the project goals, themes, and ways that they can participate. No registration necessary to participate.
On Thursday, Nov. 14 at 6 p.m. in the McLane Room, join Bill Quackenbush, Cultural Resources Division Manager for the Ho-Chunk Nation of Wisconsin, as he presents Wisconsin's Dugout Canoe Conundrum. The presentation focuses on the recent discoveries of two dugout canoes and how the recovery of these coincided with a recent canoe build the Ho-Chunk People had completed. The ongoing collaborative inter-agency work now taking place places a spotlight on the extensive research and collaboration being conducted between the Wisconsin Historical Society and the various tribes of Wisconsin.
No registration necessary. The presentation will be held in the McLane Room, or watch it live on Facebook @FDLPL. History at Home is held monthly, covering topics of local and regional interest.
Then, on Thursday, Nov. 21 at 6 p.m. in the McLane Room, participate in Preservation 101. Learn about preserving your new and historic family records for generations to come including best practices for the storage and handling of your materials including documents, newspapers, photos, and more. No registration required.