Ancestry Library Edition

Ancestry includes U.S. Census information, passenger lists, birth, death, marriage and military records, family and local history collections and more.
This resource is provided by the Fond du Lac Public Library and is only available in the library.

Wisconsin's Digital Library

Wisconsin's Digital Library provides digital content (ebooks, eaudiobooks and magazines) for free to public library patrons and students.
Wisconsin's Digital Library is a project of the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium (WPLC), with funding from Wisconsin Public Libraries and Public Library Systems. Additional support is provided by Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds awarded to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Mango Languages

Mango is a personalized, adaptive language-learning experience that provides the tools and guidance you need to expand your language skills wherever and however you learn best.

Consumer Reports

Consumer Reports Magazine logo - click to enterProduct testing and consumer advisory. Products tested range from major purchases (automobiles and appliances) to everyday items (food and cleaning products). Search issues from January 1999 to the present.
This resource is provided by BadgerLink.

Fond du Lac Newspapers & other local papers through ProQuest

Search the Fond du Lac Newspapers from 1965-present as well as several other Wisconsin papers.  
This resource is provided by the Fond du Lac Public Library.


Creativebug logoCreativebug offer thousands of online art and craft video classes for all ages and skill levels.
The resource is provided by the Fond du Lac Public Library.

Hobbies and Crafts

Hobbies & Crafts Source blue button

  • Arts and crafts, collecting, cooking & baking, holiday crafts, home & garden, indoor recreation, needlecrafts & textiles, outdoor recreation, performing arts, science & technology.  This resource is provied by Badgerlink.
Home Improvement

Home Improvement Source blue button

  • Electrical; flooring, walls & ceilings; gardening; green design; interiors & design; maintenance; outdoor; painting & decorating; plumbing; remodeling; tiles, masonry & stonework; woodworking; workshop reference.  This resource is porvided by Badgerlink.
Idea Studio

Get creative with the Idea Studio this summer during Let's Make series |  Fond du Lac (WI) Public Library

Langdon Divers Community Gallery

The Langdon Divers Community Gallery at the Fond du Lac Public Library is a showcase for local and regional artists. Exhibits rotate monthly.

EPA Fuel Economy Guides
Kelly Blue Book
Kelley Blue Book

Information on buying and selling cars, new car prices and reviews, used car values, insurance quotes and comparisons, loan calculators and recall reports.

State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation

Find information on driver's license/ID, title and plates, road tests and more.

Small Engine Repair Source

Small Engine Repair Source buttonDetailed, user-friendly repair guides for all manner of small engines.
This resource is provided by BadgerLink.

Driving Tests

Free DMV Permit Practice Tests: Driving Test & License PrepThis is a comprehensive resource for anyone looking to obtain a permit or a license. Step-by-step instructions will take the stress out of licensing day whether you are looking to drive a car, motorcycle, or commercial vehicle.
This resource is provided by the Winnefox Library System.

Chilton Library

ChiltonLibrary logoOEM repair, maintenance, and service information on most cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs. Provides step-by-step procedures, diagnostic and troubleshooting help, and a video library.


Explore a new issue monthly! BookPage is a discovery tool for readers, highlighting the best new books across all genres. 
This resource is provided by the Winnefox Library System.

Literary Reference Center Plus

Literary Reference Center Plus logo - click to enter160,000+ poems, 37,000+ short storie, 8,000+ classic novels 36,000+ plot summaries,86,000+ articles/essays of literary criticism.
This resource is provided by BadgerLink.

Novelist Plus

NoveList Plus - Link to Search

Find new fiction authors and suggested titles. Browse theme-oriented book lists and awards lists, find author read-alikes and get a list of series in order.
This resource is provided by the Fond du Lac Public Library.

Poetry & Short Story Reference Source

Poetry & Short Story Reference Center logo - click to enterFull-text classic and contemporary poems, short stories, biographies, essays, lesson plans, and learning guides.
This resource is provided by BadgerLink.

AtoZ Databases

AtoZdatabases is a reference and marketing database that provides details on businesses and households within the U.S.
This resourced is provided by the Fond du Lac Public Library.

Business Source Premier

Business Source Premier logo - click to enterBrowse Company Profiles, Industry Reports, Country Reports and Market Research Reports.  
This resourse is provided by BadgerLink.

Regional Business News

Regional Business News logo - click to enterFull-text regional U.S. and Canadian business publications.
This resource is provided by BadgerLink.

Value Line

Value Line | City of PortsmouthInformation and advice on 1,700 stocks, more than 90 industries, the stock market and the economy. 
This resource is provided by the Fond du Lac Public Library.

Better Business Bureau of Wisconsin

Is BBB Accreditation Worth It for Your Business? | by ...Review a Wisconsin business or charity. Complaints can be filed against companies, and companies can respond to complaints.

Ignite Small Business & Startup Support

Our entrepreneur/startup resource providers are available to anyone. Looking to start a business? Or have a new product idea? We work with you to help you take that next step – all at your pace, no matter how far you are in the process, without pressure. Business consultations are completely confidential and FREE, with endless access to many additional services that are free or available at low cost.


Annual Credit The only source for your free credit reports. Authorized by Federal lawFree weekly online credit reports are available from Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Credit reports play an important role in your financial life and we encourage you to regularly check your credit history.

Consumer Reports

Consumer Reports Magazine logo - click to enterProduct testing and consumer advisory. Products tested range from major purchases (automobiles and appliances) to everyday items (food and cleaning products). Search issues from January 1999 to the present.
This resource is provided by BadgerLink.


Get free access to thousands of movies with your library card.
This resource is provided by th Fond du Lac Public Library.

Wisconsin's Digital Library

Wisconsin's Digital Library provides digital content (ebooks, eaudiobooks and magazines) for free to public library patrons and students.
Wisconsin's Digital Library is a project of the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium (WPLC), with funding from Wisconsin Public Libraries and Public Library Systems. Additional support is provided by Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds awarded to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Academic Search Premier

Academic Search Premier logo - click to enterA popular resource found in many scholarly settings worldwide, Academic Search Premier is a leading multidisciplinary research database.
This resource is provided by BadgerLink.

Advanced Placement Source

Advanced Placement Source logo - click to enterA Comprehensive Resource for College-Prep Level Students.
This resource is provided by BadgerLink.


DuolingoLearning with Duolingo is fun, and research shows that it works! With quick, bite-sized lessons, you’ll earn points and unlock new levels while gaining real-world communication skills.

EBSCOHost Research Databases

EBSCOHost – e-ResourcesEBSCOhost is an online reference database covering everything from car repair to school support.
This resource is provided by BadgerLink.

Mango Languages

Mango is a personalized, adaptive language-learning experience that provides the tools and guidance you need to expand your language skills wherever and however you learn best.

Military and Government Collection

Military and Government Collection logo - click to enterCurrent news for all branches of the military and government.
This resource is provided by BadgerLink.

Ancestry Library Edition

Ancestry includes U.S. Census information, passenger lists, birth, death, marriage and military records, family and local history collections and more.
This resource is provided by the Fond du Lac Public Library and is only available in the library.

Family Search

Family Search is a free comprehensive genealogy resource from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Find a Grave

Find a Grave has information on "Where everybody who was anybody is buried." Searchable by name, location, birth dates/death dates and "claim to fame." Includes photos.

Winnefox Vital Records

This page is your gateway to searching vital records as reported in newspapers in 5 Wisconsin counties: Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Marquette, Waushara & Winnebago.
The resource is provided by the Winnefox Library System.


Social Security Death Index

Database from FamilySearch a name index to deaths recorded by the Social Security Administration beginning in 1962.

Heritage Quest

Resource logo

A comprehensive treasury of American genealogical sources.
Collection of genealogical and historical sources. Unique primary sources, local, and family histories. U.S. Federal Censuses, books, cemetery records, city directories, military records and more.
                             This resource is provided by BadgerLink.

US Bureau of Land Managment

Home | Bureau of Land ManagementThe Bureau of Land Management's mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.

USGenWeb Project

This project includes a variety of unique county and state resources including photos, maps, transcriptions, historical documents, helpful links, and much more.

Tracing American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Ancestry

Bureau of Indian Affairs DOI Pin ...This page will help you understand the Tribal enrollment process, tribal services, and guide you to resources that can assist with tracing American Indian or Alaska Native ancestry and conducting genealogical research.

Alt HealthWatch

Alt Healthwatch is a full-text alternative health research database focused on complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. It offers the latest information about the evolving practice of holistic medicine and therapies. This resource is provided by BadgerLink

Consumer Health Complete

Full text journals, magazines, and reference books from EBSCOhost dealing with health, wellness, fitness, and nutrition – coverage includes a focus on the complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health and wellness. Browse medical, health-related and drug reference books. Read articles on health and fitness. Find sources for alternative health information.
This resource is provided by BadkerLink.

Health Source Consumer Edition

Health Source: Consumer Edition logo - click to enterThis rich collection of consumer health information provides access to full-text consumer health magazines. It also includes searchable full text for current health pamphlets.
This recource is provided by BadgerLink.

Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition

Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition provides researchers, allied health professionals, nurses and medical educators with access to full-text scholarly journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Content includes 140 active full-text, non-open access journals, 120 peer-reviewed, active full-text, non-open access journals, and 930 indexed and abstracted journals.
This resource is provided by BadgerLink.


MEDLINE provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more. Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE uses MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) indexing with tree, tree hierarchy, subheadings and explosion capabilities to search citations from over 5,400 current biomedical journals. 
This resource is provided by BadgerLink.

History Reference Center

Full-text content of historical documents, biographies of historical figures, photos, maps, video, and other history reference materials.
This resource is provided by BadgerLink.

Recollection Wisconsin

Recollection WisconsinDiscover photos, maps, books, artifacts, oral histories and more from dozens of Wisconsin communities.

UW Digital Collections

University of Wisconsin Digital CollectionsUWDC creates and provides access to digital resources that support the teaching and research needs of the UW community, uniquely document the university and State of Wisconsin, and provide access to rare or fragile items of broad research value.

Fond du Lac And Green Lake County Atlases, Directories, And Histories

This digital collection contains several published books and a wall map providing accessibility to early information about the City Of Berlin and Green Lake County. City and county directories were chosen because of their historical value. 

UWDC: Early Fond du Lac County People and Places

Brigham and Co.'s Fond du Lac city directory and business advertiser for 1857-58This digital collection of thirteen published books provides accessibility to early information about Fond du Lac County. 

Mango Languages

Mango is a personalized, adaptive language-learning experience that provides the tools and guidance you need to expand your language skills wherever and however you learn best.

DuolingoLearning with Duolingo is fun, and research shows that it works! With quick, bite-sized lessons, you’ll earn points and unlock new levels while gaining real-world communication skills.

Archive of Wisconsin Newspapers

Wisconsin Newspaper Association logoCover-to-cover access to 235 of Wisconsin Newspaper Association's daily and weekly member newspapers from April 2005 to present (with a two-month embargo period).
This resource is provided by BadgerLink.

Newspaper Source Plus

Newspaper Source Plus logo - click to enterNewspaper Source Plus provides 63 million articles from more than 1,210 newspapers, 130 newswires, and 50 news magazines.  Includes all staff articles for the Janesville Gazette, La Crosse Tribune, The Leader Telegram (Eau Claire), The Telegram (Superior), and The Wisconsin State Journal.  Cover-to-Cover coverage for the Advance-Titan (Oshkosh), Capital Times, The Daily Reporter (Milwaukee), UWM Post (Milwaukee), Wisconsin Law Journal (Milwaukee), and Wisconsin State Journal.
                              This resource is provided by BadgerLink.

Newspaper Archive

main logoSearch billions of old newspaper articles from all over the world.
This resource is provided by the Winnefox Library System.

Fond du Lac Newspaper Archive

main logo

Daily Fond Du Lac Press (1866-1866) | Fond Du Lac Commonwealth Reporter (1965-1971) | Fond Du Lac Daily Commonwealth (1912-1914) | Fond Du Lac Daily News (1899-1899) | Fond Du Lac Democratic Press (1858-1895) | Fond Du Lac Journal (1846-1872) | Fond Du Lac National Democrat (1853-1853) \ Fond Du Lac Press (1866-1866) | Fond Du Lac Reporter (1972-1977) | Fond Du Lac Union (1853-1855) | Fond Du Lac Weekly Commonwealth (1858-1862) | Fond Du Lac Western Freeman (1854-1856) | Fond Du Lac Whig (1846-1847) | Found Du Lac Trade Extension (1918-1918) | Fountain City Daily Herald (1854-1856) | Fountain City Herald (1852-1856) | Nordwestlicher Courier (1876-1896) | Unterhaltungs Blatt (1875-1875) | Wisconsin Republican (1849-1872)

Explore Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin Records
Fond Du Lac Obituaries Records | Fond Du Lac Arrest Records | Fond Du Lac Birth Records | Fond Du Lac Military Records | Fond Du Lac Marriage Records | Fond Du Lac Divorce Records
This resource is provided by the Winnefox Library System.

Historical newspapers archive from the 1700s - 2000s containing thousands of well-known regional, state, and small local newspapers in the United States and other countries.
This resources is provided ny the Winnefox Library System.



EBSCO Newswires Logo - click to enterFull-text coverage of today's major newspapers. 
This resource is provided by BadgerLink.

Wisconsin's Digital Library Magazines

Logo for Wisconsin Public Library ConsortiumEnjoy over 3,000 magazine titles on a wide range in interests.  All you need is a library card.
This resource is provided by the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium.

MAS Complete

Databases - Secondary Library - GSIS LibGuides at Gyeonggi Suwon  International SchoolDesigned for high school libraries, MAS Complete is a research database that contains full text for hundreds of popular magazines and e-books covering news, politics, science, sports, culture and more. It also includes thousands of full-text primary source documents and videos from the Associated Press.
This resource is provided by BadgerLink.

Military & Government Collection

Military and Government Collection – Libraries Linking IdahoMilitary & Government Collection is a database of full-text journals and periodicals pertaining to all branches of the military and government. It is designed to offer current news to military members, analysts, policy makers, students and researchers.
This resource is privided by BadgerLink.

Popular Magazines from EBSCO

EBSCOhost logo - click to enterList of popular magazines available in MasterFILE Complete.
This resource is provided by BadgerLink.

Fond du Lac Newspapers & other local papers through ProQuest

Search the Fond du Lac Newspapers from 1965-present as well as several other Wisconsin papers.  
This resource is provided by the Fond du Lac Public Library.

U.S. Newsstream

Resource logoCurrent and archival to 1980s U.S. news featuring key national and regional sources including The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Newsday, and Chicago Tribune as well as over 80 Gannett titles.
                             This resource is provided by BadgerLink.

Winnefox Vital Records

This page is your gateway to searching vital records as reported in newspapers in 5 Wisconsin counties:
This Resource is provided by the Winnefox Library System.
Fond du Lac
Green Lake


GreenFILE logo - click to enterGreenFILE is a free research database covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. 
                             This is resource provided by BadgerLink.

Science Reference Center

Science Reference Center logo - click to enterScience Reference Center provides full text for hundreds of science magazines, journals, reference books and high-quality videos. The database also contains science experiments, curriculum-aligned lesson plans, and a vast image collection.
This resource is provided by BadgerLink.

Computers & Applied Science Complete

Computers & Applied Sciences Complete logo - click to enterComputing, technology, and engineering full-text research database. Covers the research and development spectrum of the computing and applied sciences disciplines.
This resource is provided by BadgerLink.