Powerful Topics Reading Club

Powerful Topics Reading Club meets at 6 pm every second Monday of the month at the Fond du Lac Public Library. The club is free; no registration required.
Each month the club will delve into an essay, blog, podcast orTedX talk, with a special focus on long-form journalism – stories and articles found that dig deep into a topic.
Some of the many websites that feature long-form journalism that the reading club may sample include sundaylongread.com, narratively.com, longreads.com and longform.com. But there are many more. The reading club may also discuss TED and TEDx talks.
Find the links to our scheduled discussions here:
Jan 13: The Happiness Ruse, an examination of the current fixation on happiness, at Aeon.co. https://aeon.co/essays/how-
Feb 10: The Jokes Always Saved Us: Humour in the Time of Stalin (humor and political satire). https://aeon.co/ideas/the-jokes-always-saved-us-humour-in-the-time-of-stalin
Mar 9: One podcast and two articles:
- Can Rural America Be Saved? podcast by Pitchfork Economics
- Who Killed the Knapp Family? New York Times
- Something Special is Happening in Rural America New York Times
(April canceled due to COVID-19 shutdown)
May 11: The family
- The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake magazine article by David Brooks
- How Co-housing Can Make Us Happier and Live Longer TED Talk by Grace Kim
- My Retirement Plan is You newspaper article by Charlotte Cowles
Jun 8: The not-so-pretty art world
- The Art World Doesn’t Want Us to Ask Where the Money Comes From article by Barbara Bourland
- How the Fine Art Market is a Scam - Adam Ruins Everything & the Truth video
- Art & Financial Crimes podcast by Steve Schindler & Katie Wilson-Milne