Welcome, new baby

Welcome New Baby
Mission New Baby by Susan Hood
A secret agent's guide to welcoming a new sibling
I’m a Big Sister/ Big Brother by Joanna Cole
A sister/brother enumerates the joys of welcoming a new baby to the family and the advantages of already being "big."
Big Brothers/Sisters are the Best by Fran Manushkin
This story follows a young boy/girl as he/she helps to care for the new baby in the family.
We Just Had a Baby by Stephen Krensky
A toddler must learn how to deal with a new baby in the house.
I Love You, Baby by Giles Andreae
A child shares the joy of a new baby sibling, from the messy hair above a little forehead to the two ticklish feet below pudgy ankles.
Supersister by Beth Cadena
A young girl does all kinds of things around the house to help her pregnant mother, proud that when the new baby comes she is going to be "a super sister."
Hello Baby! by Lizzy Rockwell
A young boy describes how a new baby is growing inside his mommy and tells what it is like when his new sister comes home from the hospital.
Franklin’s Baby Sister by Paulette Bourgeois
Franklin the turtle anxiously awaits the arrival of spring as he looks forward to the birth of his new baby sister and the prospect of becoming a big brother.
15 Things NOT to do with a Baby by Margaret McAllister
An older sibling offers advice on what not to do with their baby sibling.
For those who are not so sure about a new baby…
Brand-New Baby Blues by Kathi Appelt
The arrival of a new little brother has his big sister singing the blues, until she realizes how fun a new baby can be.
Mail Harry to the Moon! by Robie H. Harris:
Harry's older brother, unhappy that the new baby seems to have taken over, dreams up imaginative ways to get rid of him.
I Want a Sister! by Tony Ross
Upon learning that her family is expecting a new baby, a little princess insists that a boy would be unacceptable--she wants a sister.
Babies Ruin Everything by Matthew Swanson
A big sister becomes convinced her new baby brother is ruining everything, but quickly learns he’s not so bad.
Davy Loves the Baby by Brigitte Weninger
Davy, formerly the youngest in the Rabbit family, is not happy about the arrival of a new baby, but he is surprised at what happens when he holds his little sister for the first time.
When a Dragon Moves In Again by Jodi Moore
A young boy has become a big brother and he and his beloved dragon dedicate themselves to entertaining the little baby. But when the drooling, crying baby somehow charms the dragon and his attention, the boy decides he’s had enough of this baby business.
Ruby’s Baby Brother by Kathryn White
When her mother brings new baby Leo home, Ruby feels left out until she realizes that she has the important job of being a big sister.
But I Wanted a Baby Brother by Kate Feiffer
Oliver was excited for a new baby; until he found out she’s a girl!
Ellen and Penguin and the New Baby by Clara Vulliamy
Ellen and her stuffed toy, Penguin, have difficulty adjusting to a new baby brother.
The New Small Person by Lauren Child
Elmore Green likes being an only child, so when his parents bring a new small person, his baby brother, into the house he is not pleased and does his best to keep the new small person out of his life.
Children’s Nonfiction Titles organized by number and then author’s last name
I’m Going to be a Big Brother! by Brenda Bercun /306.875 B451b
Sam's mommy is pregnant and Sam is going to be a big brother. In this story Sam learns about preparing for the new baby's arrival and what it truly means to be a big brother.
A New Baby Arrives by Nicola Barber / 306.875 B233
This photographic book tells the story of the arrival of a new baby into the family, and explores the confusing and often worrying feelings that a child might experience when a younger brother or sister comes along.
What Baby Needs By William Sears / 649.122 Se17w
This book tells soon-to-be older siblings about a new baby's needs and demands and suggests ways that they can participate in the baby's care.
Babies Don’t Eat Pizza by Dianne Danzig / 649.1024 D238
A straightforward reassuring book aimed at children awaiting the arrival of a new baby in the family.