LEARN with Fond du Lac Literacy Services

Literacy at Fond du Lac Literacy Services means learning to...
Fond du Lac Literacy Services provides a variety of programs designed specifically to meet the literacy needs of our community. All of our services are free.
Registration is required for the classes. There is a one-time $20 registration fee due at orientation. At registration, learners will take a reading, listening and writing test to place them in the Small group English class or paired with a volunteer for one-on-one tutoring.
One-on-one tutoring
One-on-one tutoring is our main tutoring method for both Adult Basic Education (ABE) and English Language Learning (ELL). Volunteer tutors are matched with learners to work toward their personal literacy goal in a safe learning space. Sessions are generally one to two hours, once per week and take place at the Fond du Lac Public Library.
English Language Learner Classes (ELL)
We offer small group classes. These classes are held once a week both morning and evening, at Fond du Lac Public Library by FdL Literacy volunteers and staff. Class times are flexible and are determined by the availability of the tutor and students.