32 teams battled it out at 22nd annual Team Trivia fundraiser

Thirty-two teams battled it out at the 22nd annual Team Trivia fundraiser for Fond du Lac Literacy Services, held at Whispering Springs Golf Club April 19 and 21. More than $6,000 were raised for adult literacy.
The 1st-place winner on Tuesday nights’ event is The World is Our Cloister, the team from Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes – Sister Cyndi Nienhaus, Jenny Lukomski, Sister Sue Seeby, and Dusty Krikau.
The 2nd-place winner is Ledgers for Literacy – Mary Lindborg, Clarence Davis, Tom Kitchen, and Hank Lindborg and the 3rd place winner is Just Guessing – Rick Gregory, Rich Brendle, William Carmichael and Michael Tonn.
On Thursday, April 21, first place was held by Z-Team – Mary Gorske, Bill Zelaske, Dan Zelaske and John Zelaske.
Second-place winner for the nights’ events is team Whatever - Sylvia Reed, Jeff Reed, Laura Ingram, and Josh Ingram. Third-place winner is team Wamud – Jim Wamser Deb Wamser, Kim Udlis and Seth Udlis.
The World is Our Cloister team was also the winner of the corporate challenge prize.
Platinum-level sponsors this year were CD Smith, Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes, Grande, Radio Plus, FDL Area Foundation, “Society Insurance Charitable Fund” and SSM Health.
Team Trivia is a fundraiser for Fond du Lac Literacy Services, which provides free one-on-one tutoring for adults who struggle with reading, writing, math or learning English. Plans are underway for the annual Scrabble Bee in October. Anyone interested should contact the Fond du Lac Literacy Service office at literacy@fdlpl.org.