Al Jarreau, obituary writing, and oral histories: triple helping of history programs planned in September at the Fond du Lac Public Library

Love history? Visit the Fond du Lac Public Library during September to learn about local history, discover how to collect oral histories, and best practices for recording a life story.
On Thursday, Sept. 12 at 6 p.m., hear from local author Kurt Dietrich about the subject of his new book “Never Givin’ Up: The Life and Music of Al Jarreau” during History at Home. Jarreau, a musician born in Milwaukee who went to Ripon College, later moved to the West Coast, where he won six Grammy awards, in three different categories, and became one of the most revered musicians of his generation. This lecture follows Jarreau’s life, career and music, complete with musical examples.
No registration necessary. The presentation will be held in the McLane Room, or watch it live on Facebook @FDLPL. History at Home is held monthly, covering topics of local and regional interest.
Curious how to collect your own history? Join “Let’s Talk Oral History” on Monday, Sept. 16 at 6 p.m. in the McLane Room to learn about using oral histories to collect stories in the world around you. No registration needed.
Then, on Thursday, Sept. 26 at 6 p.m. in the McLane Room, join Hands on History to learn how to write obituaries. Obituaries are powerful tools to convey a life’s story; this will be an interactive workshop to help participants prepare for this task. Registration required; register at starting Sept. 12.