Author of debut ‘cozy’ mystery Sep 7

You’re invited to Deep Lakes, Wis., where you’ll meet Francine “Frankie” Champagne, the owner of Bubble and Bake: bakery by day, wine lounge by night. When the local pastor is found dead in his fishing shanty on Lake Loki, Frankie sticks her aspiring-journalist’s nose into the investigation, despite warnings from the local sheriff to leave it alone. But that’s not her style, and Frankie has something to prove.
So starts the new mystery, “Deep Dark Secrets,” from Montello author Joy Ann Ribar, who will sell and sign copies of the book – book one in the Deep Lakes Cozy Mystery Series – 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, September 7, at Chapter 52 Bookstore, 52 Sheboygan St. The event is free; no registration required. In a co-celebration with the downtown Fondue Fest on September 7, the bookstore will be open one hour later that day: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Ribar is a Wisconsin native and semi-retired English educator; she teaches writing classes at Madison Area Technical College. She earned a journalism degree from UW-Madison and a master’s in education from UW-Oshkosh. She and her husband, John, run a backyard buffet for winged creatures, plus the occasional furry critter.
Chapter 52 Bookstore sells used books, movies, music and magazines for all ages at deep discounts. Regular hours: Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays 2-6 p.m. and Saturdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, call 920-322-3957 or visit