Check out our latest StoryWalks!

Discover picture book adventures as you walk through Hamilton and Lakeside Park by visiting the latest StoryWalks. StoryWalks encourage families to enjoy reading and the outdoors by posting a children’s book – a page at a time – at intervals along a path.
During the warm season, our StoryWalks get a new story each month. What's happening in October?
At Lakeside Park, start at the Deneveu Shelter to read two different books! In "Monster Trouble" by Lane Fredrickson, although Winifred thinks the monsters who creep into her bedroom each night are cute, she cannot get any sleep and tries to scare them away.
Then, in "Spoonful of Frogs" by Casey Lyall, frogs are the most important ingredient in a witch's favorite treat--but they are also the hardest to get into the cauldron!
Over at Hamilton Park, in "Goodnight Grizzle Grump" by Aaron Blecha, Grizzle Grump searches for the perfect spot for his long winter nap.
For more information, visit or call the Children's Desk at 920-322-3940.