Community Chat will offer tips Jan. 13 on how to find reliable health information online

More than ever, people are relying on the internet to seek help with health questions and communicate with doctors. A Community Chat set for Wednesday, Jan. 13 at 6 p.m. via Zoom will help patrons of Fond du Lac Public Library find reliable health information online.
“‘Dr. Google’ – Finding Health Information You Can Trust” is a free, 90-minute educational program developed by Wisconsin Health Literacy that will be offered by FDLPL. The program helps adults use the internet to find reliable health information. Participants will learn how to tell which websites are good and practice searching different health topics.
The Jan. 13 program includes:
• Searching for health information that can be trusted
• How to read a webpage – finding quick facts and key points
• How to tell if the information you found is from a good source
• Finding sites in other languages
• Differences between using a computer or mobile device
• Local places to use the internet
• Using other online resources for your health
Register for this useful program by visiting, click on “Calendar” and select the Jan. 13 event.
Once registered, patrons will be emailed a Zoom link for the program on the morning of the event.
This project is supported by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region.
Community Chat is a monthly feature of FDLPL’s Wonder Wednesdays program. Each month, Wonder Wednesdays invites patrons to a Craft ‘n Chat (first Wednesday of the month), Community Chat (second Wednesday), Reference Chat (third Wednesday) and Trivia Night (fourth Wednesday). All are held at 6 p.m. via Zoom; register online at
Fond du Lac Public Library operates two locations: the Main Library at 32 Sheboygan St. in downtown Fond du Lac, and FDLPL Express at 1132 E. Johnson St. near Festival Foods. At this time, the main library is open for curbside service only on weekdays, and in-person on weekends. Computer use is available by appointment.
For more information on either of these locations, visit