Everyday Tech: Crafting Jul 12
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Technology is everywhere, all the time. It can seem overwhelming. The Fond du Lac Public Library, with help from its friends, is offering help through a monthly series – Everyday Tech – at 1 p.m. on the second Thursday of the month in the library’s Idea Studio. The programs are free; no registration required.
Attendees are encouraged to bring their devices – smartphones, laptops, tablets – to the classes. Each program is standalone – it’s not necessary to have attended others in the series. The schedule:
- Jul 12: Crafting online. Lindsey Thompson from Generations Home Care and Hospice will help make sense of the myriad crafting sites and apps.
- Aug 9: Wellness online. Lucy Mathers from Lake View Place will provide a virtual tour of her favorite, most-helpful wellness sites and apps.
- Sep 13: Beginning Facebook, Part 2. The IT professionals from Agnesian HealthCare return to cover the Facebook news feed, uploading photos and photo tagging. It’s not necessary to have attended the first class.