Fairy House returning to FDLPL Children’s Department

Once upon a time, fairies lived in a Fairy House at the Fond du Lac Public Library. They loved the library and they loved their Fairy House. But then, one day, their Fairy House was damaged, and the fairies had to leave for a little while.
But they didn’t leave forever.
While the fairies were away, their friends got together and fixed the Fairy House.
Soon, the Fairy House will return to the Children’s Department of the Fond du Lac Public Library, and with the change of weather, the fairies are expected to return as well.
When they return, kids should stop in at the library to see the all-new look for the inside of the Fairy House, as well as all the fun the fairies get into. Maybe the fairies will play the guitar? Maybe they will bake up something sweet?
Follow the Fond du Lac Public Library on Facebook @FondyLibraryKids to keep up with the latest of what the fairies are up to.