FInal Storywalk of season installed at Lakeside, Hamilton parks

The final stories of 2020 have appeared at the Fond du Lac Public Library’s two StoryWalk® park installations.
At Lakeside Park, children can wonder, "What If You Had Animal Hair?" in a fun story by Sandra Markle that helps children understand ways that different animals use their hair to survive, including the polar bear, reindeer, and porcupine. A second story, "My Pillow Keeps Moving!' by Laura Gehl, tells the tale of a pup who just loves her new home -- and will do anything to stay there.
At Hamilton Park, in “Goodnight Already” by author Jory John, Bear just wants to get a long rest, but his neighbor, Duck, has other ideas.
Library staff installs new StoryWalk stories on a regular basis. StoryWalks encourage families to enjoy reading and the outdoors by posting a children’s book — a page at a time — at intervals along a path.
For more information, visit or call the Children's Desk at 920-322-3940.