Flavors of the World explores sage Oct 16

Parsley, rosemary and thyme: what’s missing? Sage. Considered by the British as one of the four essential herbs, sage has been used worldwide for centuries.
The Fond du Lac Public Library’s Flavors of the World series will explore the versatility of sage at 6 p.m. Tuesday, October 16. The program is free and open to adults and teens age 13 and older. Space is limited. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, October 2, at the Calendar.
Local foodie and frequent Flavors instructor Pedro Arellano will demonstrate recipes using sage, a savory herb in the mint family. In the United States, we most commonly associate sage with turkey stuffing and other holiday recipes, but sage is a mainstay of Italian and Middle Eastern cuisines, among others.
Arellano says sage is one of his favorites.
“I love all things kitchen-related,” Arellano said. “I grind my own whole grains at home and bake well over 100 pounds of flour a year. I make my own cheese. I cure and smoke my own bacon from scratch. My wife and I enjoy canning, dehydrating, and I’m even crazy enough to roast my own coffee.”
Flavors of the World takes place in the Idea Studio demonstration kitchen every third Tuesday. Registration for each program begins at 9:30 a.m. two weeks before. The remaining Flavors of the World schedule:
- November 20: Curry powder and garam masala, presented by Varsha Pathare
- December 18: Soy sauce, presented by Dusty Krikau
The Idea Studio is the library’s makerspace, a permanent do-it-yourself zone in the lower level with a demonstration kitchen, equipment to use for free and DIY programming. For more information, visit fdlpl.org/ideastudio.