Homebrew 101 Oct 17 (with cake)

Pro brewer Andrew Roth will teach “Homebrew 101” at 6 p.m. Wednesday, October 17, at the Fond du Lac Public Library. The program is free; no registration required. There will be plenty of time for Q&A. No beer samples, but cake will be served.
Roth will cover the basics of how to make and extract beer, and will include information on sanitation, brew day, finishing and bottling. He’ll demonstrate common procedures on equipment he’ll bring to the presentation. There will be plenty of time for questions.
The program is being held to celebrate Fond du Lac Reads: "Driving Miss Norma: One Family's Journey Saying 'Yes' to Living," by Tim Bauerschmidt and Ramie Liddle. In the book, 90-year-old Norma discovers she really likes a glass of beer, especially when it’s served with cake.
Roth started small – a few batches of mead in 2010. After moving on to beer, he’s gone full throttle: winning awards, working for Pearl Street Brewery as a brewer and lab tech for a year and now as head brewer for Fox River Brewing Co. He’s also an award-winning wine and cider maker.