Jokes & fun facts added to Dial-A-Story service at FDLPL

The Fond du Lac Public Library's Dial-A-Story service now offers more than just stories; the library has expanded it to include new fun options.
Want to hear a great joke? Dial-A-Story offers those, too!
Looking for a fun fact to share with friends? Try Dial-A-Story to hear those as well.
And, of course, Dial-A-Story continues to offer great stories that can be read for you or your child, with all options available by calling 920-322-1959.
Stories and chapter excerpts are available for a variety of ages. It’s easy: follow the audio prompts and select the story you would like to hear.
Stories will change every two weeks, and may be accessed as often as you wish.
Currently being read: Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel (picture book) and The Fabled Stables (chapter book).