Learn from master gardeners during Day in the Garden at FDLPL

Let master gardeners from across eastern Wisconsin help you prepare for planting season during Day in the Garden, presented by the Fond du Lac County Master Gardener Association.
Set for Saturday, April 1 from 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. in the Fond du Lac Public Library’s McLane Room, Day in the Garden will include presentations by experts in the field.
Space is limited for the program and registration is required; to register, visit calendar.fdlpl.org. This year’s program will be offered at no cost to attendees.
Presenters for the 2023 Day in the Garden include:
- Southeast Wisconsin Master Gardeners Marilyn Cech and Ann Loper will present “Gardening for Life.” Gardeners often lift, carry and reach for all kinds of things while bending, kneeling, and getting up and down from the ground. Discover tips and techniques for gardening with ease, protecting your joints, preventing injuries, and enhancing your well being. Cech has been a Master Gardener for nearly 20 years, and involved with the Lifelong Gardening Committee for 13 years. Loper has been a Master Gardener for nearly 15 years and has been on the Lifelong Gardening Committee since becoming a Master Gardener.
- Outagamie County Master Gardener Kathy Baum will present “New & Underused Perennials for Your Garden.” Baum has a passion for perennials that is contagious. She has a vast knowledge of plants; she researches and tests many cultivars. With so many perennial cultivars hitting the market in the last few years, how do you know which are garden-worthy? Baum will share those which she can't live without and some that have hit the compost bin.
Day in the Garden is offered by the Fond du Lac County Master Gardener Association, in affiliation with the Fond du Lac Public Library. For more information about the Fond du Lac County Master Gardener Association, visit fonddulac.extension.wisc.edu/hort/mg/
For more information about the Fond du Lac Public Library, visit fdlpl.org.