Playing "what if" with social media (blog)

by Katie Killian
Way back before Facebook, and even before MySpace and AOL, platforms like Bolt and Six Degrees allowed users to connect, share, and interact with others around the world in interesting and unique ways beginning in 1973.
Nowadays, people don’t even need to use technology to be entertained by social media. Users can simply pick up a book and be amazed by the truly thrilling variety of platform types and services, experiences, and opportunities possible. On top of that - the ways in which fictional and real life people can utilize these services are truly limitless!
Will they be used for good? Or…maybe not so much…?
The Verifiers | Jane Pek
This is How You Lose the Time War | Amal El-Mohtar
An Absolutely Remarkable Thing | Hank Green
Ready Player One | Ernest Cline
The Personal Assistant | Kimberly Belle
No One Is Talking About This | Patricia Lockwood
Breaking the Social Media Prism : How to Make Our Platforms Less Polarizing | Christopher Bail
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder | Holly Jackson
Tweet Cute | Emma Lord
Don’t Read the Comments | Eric Smith
The Power of Social Media | Stuart A. Kallen 302.23 Kallen 2023
Lark and Kasim Start a Revolution | Kacen Callender
Katie Killian is a librarian in the Fond du Lac Public Library's information and outreach services department.