Summertime 2020, and the reading is rewarding

Like the sun itself, Summer Reading @ the Library cannot be stopped. Even though it’s a summer like no other, the Fond du Lac Public Library invites readers of all ages to tally their time with books, magazines, audiobooks and more for great prizes. Summer Reading @ the Library runs June 1 to August 15. Registration starts June 1. It takes just minutes at or at any service desk when the downtown Main Library reopens June 3.
Summer Reading @ the Library is user-friendly. After the 2-minute sign-up, readers get their first of four cards. They mark their reading time as they go. All reading counts, and reading aloud counts for both the reader and the listener. When one card is full, turn it in for an instant reward and get the next card. (Yes, Faris Popcorn returns.) Kids who finish their second card will receive a coupon to pick out a free, new book to take home (at a later date). Along with their instant prize, teens’ completed cards go into one of six grand-prize package drawings.
Due to the pandemic and the library’s dedication to keeping the community and staff safe, all summer programming will be virtual. June calendar handouts are available at curbside pickup, and all programs are listed at the Calendar.