We All Scream For Ice Cream!

by Joanne Mengel
Remember the old saying “You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream!”? I don’t know about you but all this hot and steamy weather makes me want to indulge in that deliciously creamy concoction more than ever. After all, it is National Dairy Month, right? And, we all know that ice cream can be enjoyed in many other ways than in a cone or dish. Listed below are just a few books we have in stock that contain dozens of ways to indulge in frozen treats sure to tempt your taste buds. Enjoy!
Rose's ice cream bliss (641.862 Beranbaum 2020)
Jeni's splendid ice cream desserts (641.862 B326 2014)
Taste of Home frosty treats & more : 201 cool ideas for icy sweets (641.862 Taste 2015)
No-churn ice cream : over 100 simply delicious no-machine frozen treats (641.862 B491 2015)
Recipe of the week : ice cream : 52 easy recipes for year-round frozen treats (641.862 Sa48)
Ben & Jerry's homemade ice cream & dessert book (641.862 Cohen 1987)