Where does your water come from? Find out Sep 5

When it finally streams out of your showerhead, kitchen faucet and garden hose, your water has traveled a long and painstakingly careful path. The man in charge of that path, Travis Kloetzke, will trace the steps at the Fond du Lac Public Library’s Community Chat program at 6 p.m. Thursday, September 5. The program is free; no registration required.
Water Utility General Manager Kloetzke will explain and answer questions about Fond du Lac’s water distribution, starting with the wells and working through the filtration process, storage, distribution system and delivery to residents’ homes. He’ll explain the utility’s mechanisms to measure use and the myriad tests required by the Department of Natural Resources.
Kloetzke has an associate’s degree in Civil Engineering-Structural. His work experience includes 15 years with a local engineering firm, where he managed and assisted on city and state construction projects, including the reconstruction of the Johnson Street corridor, the U.S. Highway 41 and Hickory Street interchange, Pioneer Road reconstruction as well as numerous local street projects. He joined the Fond du Lac Water Utility in 2015. In his spare time, Kloetzke serves as Lamartine town supervisor and volunteer firefighter.
Community Chat programs give residents opportunities to hear directly from local government and nonprofit organizations. Representatives share information about costs, goals, accomplishments and more. The informal programs will take place every first Thursday of the month. The featured speaker on October 3 will be Sarah Faust from the Fond du Lac County Health Department.
The Fond du Lac Public Library supports a high quality of life in Fond du Lac through reading, lifelong learning and community involvement. There are two locations: the Main Library downtown at 32 Sheboygan St., and FDLPL Express near Festival Foods at Highways 23 and 151. For more information, visit fdlpl.org.