Books that introduce mindfulness and meditation to kids

With cellphones, crammed calendars and responsibilities of all sorts clamoring for our attention, many of us cannot achieve mindfulness. Mindfulness is about being fully present and paying close attention to the moment we're in. The benefits of mindfulness are numerous, not just for us but for our children as well. A mindfulness practice helps alleviate stress, worry and anger and improves focus and sleep. Since studies have indicated its positive effect on learning, many schools are incorporating elements of mediation and other mindfulness practices into the school day.
Equipping children with tools to handle distractions will help them to develop healthy and productive ways to cope with the chaos of the world.
Here are some wonderful children's books to introduce mindfulness and meditation to kids.
1. What Does It Mean to Be Present? by Rana DiOrio
Readers will explore concrete examples of what it means to be in the moment. Sharing this book will take parents to a calm place, as well.
2. The Lemonade Hurricane: A Story of Mindfulness and Meditation by Lisa Morelli
Henry is a lot of fun when he's not storming through the house, so Emma decides to teach him how to be still. By showing him how to sit, bow and breathe, Emma is able to calm the hurricane within Henry.
3. Take the Time: Mindfulness for Kids by Maud Roegiers
Provides examples of the concept of mindfulness, demonstrating how the technique of staying in the present moment can help young children cope with difficulties in their daily situations.
4. You Are a Lion! And Other Fun Yoga Poses by Taeeun Yoo
With simple instructions and bright, clear illustrations, this book invites children to enjoy yoga by assuming playful animal poses. Yoga is great for kids because it promotes flexibility and focus, and it's relaxing-good fun!
5. Good Night Yoga: A Pose-by-Pose Bedtime Story by Mariam Gates
This book tells the story of the natural world as it closes down for the night while teaching children a simple flow of yoga postures inspired by their favorite characters from nature. Readers learn techniques for self-soothing, relaxing the body and mind, focusing attention and other skills that will support restful sleep and improve confidence and well-being.