Gardening, romance, horror, sci-fi: Spring reading

Gardening, romance, horror, sci-fi: Spring reading

April 10, 2020

By Emilyn Linden

It’s been a challenging time for all of us, whether we’re self-isolating at home or an essential worker going to our job every day. One thing that’s been uplifting for me is finally seeing some sun on most days. My reading habits...

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Avoid the long ‘e-lines’ in Overdrive

Avoid the long ‘e-lines’ in Overdrive

March 30, 2020

By Joanne Mengel

Avoid the long “e-lines” in Overdrive by checking out Lucky Day or Available Now titles. It’s super easy. Log in to Overdrive and the first thing you will see is the newly launched Lucky Day collection. Just like the Lucky Da...

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Find your travel escape with e-books & audiobooks 

Find your travel escape with e-books & audiobooks 

March 30, 2020

By Debbie Rosenberg

Gov. Tony Evers’ Safer at Home order went into effect on March 25. Just a few days in, and I’m already feeling cooped up and bored. So, it’s time to travel (virtually of course)!

One of my favorite authors is Bill Bryso...

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DIY personal protective equipment, Part 2

DIY personal protective equipment, Part 2

March 27, 2020

By Julie Van Esler

With the surge of COVID-19 hospital cases, health-care professionals are struggling with shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) - vital to save the lives of others, as well as their own. Makers who who want to help ca...

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What to read when angst makes it difficult

What to read when angst makes it difficult

March 27, 2020

By Emilyn Linden

One piece advice often see about staying sane while Safer at Home is to take breaks from the news. That can be difficult unless you can fill your checking-the-news time with something else. But stress and anxiety caused by the co...

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DIY personal protective equipment, Part 1

DIY personal protective equipment, Part 1

March 25, 2020

By Crystal Valentine

4/6/2020 update:

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Yes, you can learn to knit online

Yes, you can learn to knit online

March 23, 2020

By Emilyn Linden

A little more than four years ago, my family moved to Wisconsin for my husband’s career. I moved without a job and found myself with quite a lot of time on my hands during the very contentious 2016 election season. I was spending...

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Getting sleep in the age of COVID-19

Getting sleep in the age of COVID-19

March 20, 2020

By Emilyn Linden

One of my health interests over the past decade-plus, has been sleep. I think that’s pretty much a given when you have a colicky baby. Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Dr. Marc Weissbluth was my Bible for a few years there....

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Teen Photo Contest 2020 deadline April 1

Teen Photo Contest 2020 deadline April 1

March 19, 2020

The Fond du Lac Public Library’s sixth annual Teen Photo Contest deadline for submissions is April 1.

The contest challenges teens to submit photos in three categories: Anything Goes, Street and Weather. The photographer who submits the photo j...

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Open Door Artists present

Open Door Artists present 'Transition' in April

March 19, 2020

The Open Door Artists will present their 12th annual themed show April 1 to May 6 at the Langdon Divers Gallery. The theme this year is “Transition.”  

Open Door Artists are a local group with origins in a rural-themed show that was so succ...

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