Video badging

What is “badging?”
Badging is the process by which a user gets trained on a piece of equipment. Some Idea Studio equipment requires badging before use, some does not. To find out which items require badging, please see the Idea Studio menu Badging is a one-time process, either as an in-person class or through training videos followed by a brief in-person skills test. After being badged on a piece of equipment, the badged user is able to use that piece of equipment during Idea Studio open hours. All users must be at least 13 years old in order to get badged on any piece of equipment. Some equipment, such as the laser cutter, requires the user to be at least 18 years old.
How do I get badged?
Badging Classes
One option for becoming badged is to take an in-person class at the Idea Studio. To do this, go to our calendar and sign up for a scheduled badging class. If there is not a scheduled badging class for a particular piece of equipment, or the class is not at time that you are able to make, please contact the Idea Studio staff for other options.
Badging Videos
The other option for becoming badged is by watching the badging video(s) for a piece of equipment. Some pieces of equipment have multiple videos; users should watch each of the videos listed for a particular piece of equipment. Once a user feels ready, the user will come into the Idea Studio during open hours and ask a staff member to complete the badging process. This involves filling out and signing the badging sheet, including the safety agreement and use agreement. After the badging sheet is filled out, the staff member will ask the user to complete a few basic tasks to demonstrate understanding of the equipment and its safe and proper use.
Please note that not all pieces of equipment have badging videos at this time.
Badging video viewers should be aware that, although the Idea Studio makes an effort to keep videos up-to-date with major software revisions, there may be minor discrepancies between the software versions shown in the badging video and the most current version of that software.
Prusa i3 MK3/MK3S 3-D Printer
Sewing Machine: Janome Schoolmate S-3015
Prerequisite: none
Serger: Janome MyLock 634D
Prerequisite: none, basic sewing experience helpful
Vinyl/Paper Cutter: Silhouette Cameo
Prerequisite: none