Reading Dragons

Register now at or in person at the Fond du Lac Public Library's downtown location
The Reading Dragons program is a free, card-based reading incentive program that encourages Elementary school-aged children to read for fun. Participants can collect dragon trading cards and play card games.
**The program was developed by the Dover Public Library in Ohio and is based on the idea that adding a gaming element to reading can be beneficial.
For every hour of reading, you can earn a Reading Dragon trading card, up to 4 cards per month.
Participants can simply collect cards or challenge friends to tournaments!
To play, you and a friend each choose one card secretly, keeping it hidden so your friend can't see what you chose. Then count to 3 and both of you flip over your cards to see who wins.
Fire beats Leaf Leaf beats Water Water beats Fire
If you have the same color you tie
Tournament Scorecard
Place 5 cards face down in a row. Do not let the other player see your cards.
Both players will flip over their cards at the same time. One card at a time.
If your cards have the same color you tie.
Blue beats Red Red beats Green Green beats Blue.
A tie - 0 points. Winning = 1 point.
The first player to 3 points wins the match.
If you flip over all 5 cards and neither player has earned 3 points, flip over a new card. Continue until one player wins.