Learn about 3-D printing, its role in printmaking with the Press Club

Learn about 3-D printing, its role in printmaking with the Press Club

January 26, 2022

Join the Fond du Lac Press Club (for printmakers) to explore the ways that 3-D printing has enriched the art of printmaking during an upcoming program at the Fond du Lac Public Library.

On Wednesday, Feb. 23 at 6 p.m., join the library’s Idea Stu...

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Book club kits at the library

Book club kits at the library

January 19, 2022

by Emilyn Linden

One of the many collections we have at the library is the Book Club Kit collection. We have 132 kits with a variety of fiction and nonfiction titles, from thrillers to religious fiction to memoirs to science. 

Every year we r...

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New Year

New Year's Resolution: Make Good Habits

January 12, 2022

Now that the holidays are over we can all take a deep breath and think about how to implement those resolutions we dutifully made for the new year. One goal I'm working on this year is to make a few new good habits. We all know that it takes repet...

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Tax forms online

Tax forms online

January 11, 2022

2021 tax forms are available free online.

Wisconsin: https://www.revenue.wi.gov/Pages/Form/2021Individual.aspx
The Wisconsin Department of Revenue Customer Service Center will extend call center hours again this year during the busier weeks of t...

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Literacy Services invites community to "Empower Lives through Literacy"

Literacy Services invites community to "Empower Lives through Literacy"

January 10, 2022

Fond du Lac Literacy Services, a local non-profit agency, will accept donations under its “Empower Lives Through Literacy” Annual Campaign through January 31, 2022.

It’s estimated that 6,000 adults in Fond du Lac County struggle to read daily...

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Indoor winter fun

Indoor winter fun

January 5, 2022

by Joanne Mengel

Baby, it’s cold outside!

Although it is the start of a brand new year, January is my least favorite month. The hustle and bustle of the holidays are over, and it can be kind of a let down. Many will spend the month trying to ...

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Rom coms to ring in the New Year

Rom coms to ring in the New Year

December 29, 2021

by Emilyn Linden

One new book trend I’ve been enjoying recently is the uptick in romantic comedies that are being published. I’ve always liked it when my romance novels don’t take themselves too seriously since I don’t take them too seriously. Th...

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Did you miss me? Books you may have missed

Did you miss me? Books you may have missed

December 22, 2021

Did you know that we have a display on the second floor of many of the recent fiction books that you might have missed?  Often the newest books are checked out so we highlight some when they come upstairs.  Currently we have these and several more...

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Calling young creators: Build rockets, forts & more at FDLPL

Calling young creators: Build rockets, forts & more at FDLPL

December 21, 2021

Do you have kids that love to create? The Fond du Lac Public Library will have multiple opportunities to exercise that passion for creativity during January.

First, starting Sunday, Jan. 2, our Kit of the Month will give youth a chance to Build Y...

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8th-annual Teen Photo Contest begins Jan. 1

8th-annual Teen Photo Contest begins Jan. 1

December 21, 2021

No one sees the world exactly the way you do. Share your unique point of view through the 8th-annual Fond du Lac Teens Photo Contest.

Starting Jan. 1, 2022, area teens are invited to submit photos in three categories:

  • Unexpected Fondy: Snap a ph...

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